This post has been merged into Prayer Reminders Notifications
A notification before prayer comes in
Amaranth WrenAug 25, 2023
It would be amazing if you could add a feature that allows a user to configure a time period before each salat where q notification pops up and says "X minutes before Y salat." For example, allowing a notification to come in 25 minutes before Maghrib, or 10 minutes before Asr, letting us know Maghrib or Asr will be coming in 25 or 10 minutes respectively.
This feature would be a great addition to Pillars! A wide majority of applications already have it, and once you've used it, it becomes an indespensible way to remind yourself of prayers before you miss them if you have not prayed that salat yet. Must add!
Yesss that would be amazing!!
This would be super useful for example for Umrah where they only give you like 10-20 mins after Adhan before starting namaaz. If I could set “notify me x mins before y Adhan”, then I could prepare and get ready to leave my hotel etc to join the namaaz on time.