Multiple Athan Reciters
nadat28344Jan 2, 2022
Alslam Alikum, I was hoping for an update for Pillars to add athan voices such as Maka athan, Egypt Athan, and mant other athan voices that a users can pick from. Also I wish for an update that lets you choose from a full athan or a short athan (such as the full athan or just “Alaho akbar alaho akbar”) which will also be innovative for a user to pick from. I wanted to say thank you for the features you already offer in your Ad-Free and clean UI app that you offer and I really appreciate your work on Pillars. Thank You.
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Yes, i spent an hour looking for thjs feature 😅. This app is good but would be better if we could choose the adhan reciters.
Asalamualykum it would be great if we could choose more athan voices. Also jazakallah for keeping the app Ad-Free.
Oh yes I really miss hearing Egypt’s official moathin oh my god I really miss it please add this in your next update add more athan sounds from countries around the world they all have beautiful athan sounds.