Countdown Widget
Fuchsia MammalJun 7, 2024
Please please add a widget where we can add to the lock screen where it shows a countdown to the next prayer
Merged posts
Time before next prayer on widgetTime left widgetRounded widget with time remainingTime remaining for next prayerCountdown to prayer timerCountdown timerWidgets time leftPrayer time countdown widgetCountdown featureSalah timeline countdown in a widgetCountdown on widgetWidget for remaining time for a prayer Countdown WidgetRemaining time (+concept!)Countdown WidgetLeft time in widget instead of next pray timeTime left until next prayer in widget Countdown to nNxt Prayer on WodgetCountdown to next prayerPrayer countdownAdd a countdown widgetAdd a countdown widgetSalah countdown widget LockScreen Countdownshow remaining time till next salah in widget
Please add a Ramadan countdown as well
Must have
Yh that’s so true they should