Microsoft Store Windows OS App
gosinij857Jan 3, 2022
السلام عليكم،
It would have been nice to make your amazing clean UI Pillars app available on the Microsoft Store for windows users with working notifications.
السلام عليكم،
It would have been nice to make your amazing clean UI Pillars app available on the Microsoft Store for windows users with working notifications.
please make a windows os app!
Need this to prevent going on phone
salam, commenting to boost this request! it would be super helpful, especially for students like me who want to keep track of salah while studying. jazakumullahu khairan :)
We’re in 2024 and still didn’t get it la hawl wa la kowatta ila bilah
This would be a great option
Please add Windows app 🙂
Yes we need it gazakum alahu khayran Pillars for you amazing ad free app it would be outstanding to have Pillars app on Windows :).
I agree we do need it for Windows. I see somebody from macOS requested Pillars to be added to the mac store and it got put on planned so I hope the developers see this and put it on planned too inshaa alah because many Pillars users need this.
Yes I always wanted Pillars on Windows especially because some people who have 2 in 1 tablet laptops might need the app to get salah reminders on the go through their laptop.