This post has been merged into Additional Times (Tahajjud, Middle of the Night, Duha)
Amaranth CatMay 4, 2024
Can you add midnight as Zahiris and Hanbalis use it to track the end of Ishaa?
Can you add midnight as Zahiris and Hanbalis use it to track the end of Ishaa?
Not a Hanbali but this feature would be great. I stay up late and delay my ishaa prayers for just before i go to sleep. Knowing when the middle of the night is (and possibly a 10 alarm prior to the time) will help ensure i wont miss it. Jazakallah khair
Midnight as in the time between maghrib to fajr. Great if you can add an option to turn it on. Few apps offer this feature and yours will perhaps be a clear winner for the Hanbalis if it's added, especially considering it's recommended to delay ishaa. A scary thing to delay unless you know the exact end for it.