As salamu Alaykum.
I hope you’re all well and I wanted to say personally thank you to everyone involved with the pillars app. May Allah reward you all immensely.
I’m Just responding to this post -
I have attached screenshots of the Apple Watch app - Pray Watch. The timer complication is essential to me. I still use the pillars app for exact timings but this is a great way to give me a quick indicator/reminder as to when the next Salah is.
Upon clicking the timer, a full easy-to-read timetable instantly pops up - which is set to my location and gives me a general idea of prayers time as well other interesting information such as sunrise, midnight and the last third of the night.
If there was any way pillars could replicate this, that would be amazing. I actually sought out another app, when I realised pillars did not support Apple Watch. For a lot of my friends and family, the Apple Watch is essential. I’d go as far as to say it’s more important to me than my phone.
Again, thank you for all your work. I hope the photos have attached inshallah but if they haven’t, here is a direct link to the app -